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Lindsey Konchar

"Money Talks: Merging Mental Health and Money"

As a licensed social worker specializing in financial therapy, and a wife and mom of two, I bring unique experience, both personally and professionally, to understanding how to live a life full of health and wealth.

I’m Lindsey Konchar, a licensed mental health professional and certified financial coach, focused on shame-free living. I’m here to help you cope with motherhood, marriage, money, and mental health.

Cristina Frank

"Embrace Your Evolution"

Meet Cristina, a mother of two and a certified yoga instructor with a bachelor’s degree in Family and Child Relationships. Her passion is in supporting families and caregivers in the early seasons of parenthood and beyond. She brings her energy for growth and connection to her adult classes and workshops to help parents thrive through authenticity and alignment. She empowers mothers to realize their fullest potential and live as their highest and best selves. As a forever learner, Cristina is constantly showing up for her community in big ways. She is currently studying NLP, Hypnotherapy, and EFT to support caregivers on a deeper level that embodies growth, connection and wellness.

Char Dion

"Mastering Self-Care in Motherhood"

Char Dion, is a certified motherhood self-care coach and blogger, . She is devoted to empowering new moms in their post-pregnancy journey. Join her in 'figuring it out,' prioritizing self-care through smart routines, reliable products, and creating a cozy lifestyle you love. Char is your guide to efficiency, ensuring peace of mind as you navigate motherhood – because with self-care it's all about YOU, without the overwhelm!

Jessica Jackson

"The 5-Step Path from Surviving to Thriving"

Jessica Jackson is a homeschooling mother of four children, host of Thriving in Motherhood Podcast, creator of the Thriving in Motherhood Planner and Journal, and cheerleader in her program Made to Soar: Next 90 Days.  She knows what it is like to try and find peace and balance between running a business, a household, and creating a strong family culture while real life keeps happening.  After years of struggle she realized there are simple, practical things she can do to stop living survival mode no matter her circumstances and find meaning and joy in everyday life.  Her mission is to empower women to go from surviving motherhood to soaring - using their unique gifts and talents, having a relationship with God, experiencing life as the grand adventure it is, and enjoying meaningful relationships with friends and family.

Lyndsay Hume

"Why the Only Thing You 'Should' Do is What You Want"

I am a trained therapist turned certified Life and Empowerment Coach for purpose driven women who want to make an impact in the world. I help you embody your greatness so you can do what you are meant to do and live a life you love with ease.

Erin Woodruff

"You're Just As Important As Your Kids"

Erin is a mom, wife, and entrepreneur. She is a certified life coach and specializes in communications. She helps women communicate with confidence so they can create a life they’re excited about living. She helps women reconnect with who they are, build community where they’re at, and find faith and purpose in their lives.

Erin is passionate about helping women navigate hard conversations, make new friends, lean into their intuition, and push them to reach their own potential.

Nadine Stille

"Mom's 3 Self-Care Essentials on Their Inspiring Journey for 'More'"

As a recovering stressed-out Mama who was constantly trying to balance society's expectations to be a perfect mom and an ambitious career woman, Nadine walks alongside moms who:

Find themselves at crossroads and want to follow their hearts and passions rather than what they are expected to do - even if it's freaking them out, want to ditch their daily grind and bring more joy into their lives - both at home and at work, realize they need to rediscover themselves as they felt lost since becoming a mom, and they now want to take charge, find themselves and pursue what they like.

The pressure that moms feel is relentless, unique to moms, and is definitely unsustainable, draining moms of joy. Nadine is here to show you a more balanced and joy-filled way. She helps busy moms how powerful and amazing they already are. Together, they'll focus on what works for them specifically for long lasting, sustainable changes that make for a joy-filled life and a fulfilled career.

Nadine understands that allocating time and energy for themselves can be challenging. So, when she's working 1-on-1 with moms, she co-creates a schedule that works for them.

Together with her kiddo and hubby, she lives in Vancouver, Canada. She's lived all over the world, in fact, Canada is her 6th country and she just can’t get enough of these mountains and ocean views! When she's not having fun playing with (or running after) her Little One, you might find her taking a moment for herself with a romance novel.

Amanda De La Madriz

"Is It Okay To Be Selfish?"

Amanda is a Certified Life + Mindset Coach who focuses on making motherhood easier for moms by helping them create awareness around the power of their thoughts and perspective. Her passion is entrenched in providing a fun and supportive space for her clients to unpack their brains and see what’s really going on, so that they’re able to work past mom guilt, feel less overwhelmed, take better care of themselves and feel better!

Tierra Haynes

"Redefining Motherhood"

Hi, Loves!

I’m so excited to finally welcome you to my corner of the internet! I am the Mommy on the Move and the lucky girl who gets to do life with my incredible husband Dre and our three boys, Dre Jr., Devon, and Dallas.

Mommy on the Move is more than just a name, it’s my real life. In the last few years my husband Dre’s coaching career had me and our lively crew making some major moves.

We traded our Midwest living to move on up to the Eastside, and I’m happy that we can call Maryland home for now.

Dre Jr., Devon, and Dallas keep me on my toes, fingernails, and everything else, but I can’t imagine my story without them. They take the phrase “boy mom” to the next level — watch my stories on Instagram, you’ll see!

I started Mommy on the Move as a way to document my whirlwind of a journey as a stay-at-home mom, but it’s evolved into a beautiful tribe of mommas who are just trying to figure things out, drink a little wine, and live their best lives. I also host a podcast where I have both serious and light-hearted conversations about life, motherhood, and everything in between. So far, I’ve recorded over 30 episodes and have had the pleasure of conversing with some really incredible women!

It’s my hope that you’ll feel my heart in every podcast and post, sense my personality in every story, and find a piece of yourself as I share my experience as a mommy on the move.

I can’t promise you that you’ll get perfection from me, but I can promise you that you’ll get a real experience from a real momma, read memes that will make you laugh until you cry, and be reminded that you’re not alone on this journey because after all, life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a M.O.M.

@2023 Abigail Rickard - All rights reserved.